Letter to James VI 1603

5th January 1603

My very good Brother
Hit pleaseth me not a litel that my true intents without gloses or giles ar by you so gratefully taken for I am nothing of that vile disposition of suche as while thir neighbors house is or likly to be a fire wyl not only not helpe but not afourd them water to quench the same.  If any suche you have hard of toward me God graunt he remembreth hit not to wel for them, for the Archeduke helas poore man he wischeth every body like himself except his bondes wiche without his brothers helpe he wil soon repent his Signory.  I suppos that considering whos aperte enemy the King of Spaine is you wyl not neglect so muche your owne honor to the world (thogh you had no peculiar love to me) as to permit his Embassator in your Land, that so causelesly persecutes suche a Princes as never harmed him.  Yea suche a one as if his deceased father had beene rightly informed, did bettar merite at his hand than any prince on erthe ever did to other for wher hathe ther bene an example that any one King hathe ever denied so faire a present as the hole seventene provinces of the Lowe Countries.  Yea who not only wold not have denied them but send a dousin Gentilmen to warne him of their sliding from him wt offer of keeping them from the nere neigbors hands and sent treasur to pay the shaking towns fro laps, disserved I suche a recompence as many a complot bothe for my life and kingdom?  Aught I not to defend and bereave him of suche weapons as might invay myselfe? he wil say I helpe Zealand and Holand from his hands tho if ether his father or himselfe wold observe suche othe as the Emperour Charles obliged himselfe and so in sequele his son I wold not have delt with others territories: but the hold this by suche covenants as not observing by thir owne grants the ar no longar bound unto them: but thogh al this wer not unknowne to him —Yet I cast suche right raisons over my shuldar and regarded this good and have never defended them a wicked quarel and had he not mixt that gouvernment contrary to his owne lawes with the rule of Spainards al this had not neded.
Now for the warning the frenche sent you of Vesons imbassat to yow me thinkes the king your good brother hathe given you a good caveat that being a king he supposeth by that measure that you wold denye suche offers.  And since nedes you wyl have my counseil I can hardly believe that being warned your own subject shall be suffred to come into your realme from suche a place to suche intent.  Suche a prelate if he came shuld be taught a bettar leason than play so presumtius and bold a part afor he knewe your good liking therof which as I hope is far from your intent.  So wyl his coming verefie good Mastar [Symples] asseverations at Rome of wiche you have or now bene warned ynough.  Thus you se how to fulfil your trust reposed in me wiche to infringe I never mynde.  I have sincerely made patente my sinceritie and thogh not fraught wt muche wisdome yet stuffed wt great good wyl I hope you wyl beare wt my molesting you to long wt my [skratching] hand, as proceding from a hart that shal ever be filled wt the
Sure affection of your
Loving and frendely

sistar, Elizabeth R.

(Source: “A Collection of One Hundred Characteristic and Interesting Autograph Letters” printed by Joseph Netherclift and Son, 1849)

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